When — and how — should you be screened for colon cancer?

When — and how — should you be screened for colon cancer?

Colon cancer is the second-deadliest form of cancer after lung cancer. If recent messages about colon cancer screening have left you a little confused, that’s understandable. In August, the American College of Physicians (ACP) released updated guidance for colon cancer screening that differs from other major organizations, including recommendations from the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the US Preventive Services Task force (USPSTF).

So, what do you need to know?

How does the advice differ?

First, please note that this advice applies only to people at average risk without a family history of colon cancer. If you have family history, or if other health issues put you at higher-than-average risk for colorectal cancer, talk to your doctor about the best course of action for you.

The main point of disagreement relates to the age at which people should start getting screened. The new ACP guidance says 50, while the other two organizations recommend 45. That earlier age is endorsed by the U.S. Multisociety Task Force on Colorectal Cancer. It’s also endorsed by many physicians, including Harvard Medical School professor Dr. Andrew T. Chan, a gastroenterologist and director of epidemiology at Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, who helps explain key facts below.

Why do experts suggest starting screening earlier?

“We’re facing an unexplained and alarming increase in the incidence of colon cancer in people younger than 50,” says Dr. Chan.

Overall, deaths from colon cancer dropped by 2% per year from 2011 to 2020. But that’s not the case among people younger than 50. In that age group, deaths from colon cancer rose between 0.5% and 3% during the same time period, according to statistics published in 2023.

The rising rates of colon cancer in younger people are occurring in all racial and ethnic groups, with the steepest rises seen among Alaskan Natives and Native Americans. Overall, Blacks and African Americans are more likely to get and die from colon cancer than whites, and early-onset cases are higher in Black individuals than whites.

Efforts to encourage colon cancer screening began in the mid-1990s. Today, about 60% of adults over 50 follow the advice to receive a colonoscopy (described below) on a regular basis. This track record, while not perfect, likely explains the decline in deaths from colon cancer in older adults.

“I think that promoting earlier screening will help stem the rise in early-onset cases, at least for those in their 40s. We’ve also seen that earlier colonoscopies may be associated with lowering incidence of colon cancer even later in life, “says Dr. Chan.